A Response to Wretched Radio & Phil Johnson
Look at that picture again. What do you see? You see a group of speakers, sure enough, but what do they all have in common? To anyone who has been a christian for any...
Look at that picture again. What do you see? You see a group of speakers, sure enough, but what do they all have in common? To anyone who has been a christian for any...
It was recently announced that Grace Community Church, headed by the ever Diotrephetic John MacArthur, was slated to host The Gospel Coalition’s West Coast Conference “Enduring Faithfulness” this October. This posed quite the dilemma...
We’ll keep this one short. JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen blog has long been defending his support of John MacArthur while privately critiquing him. Hall and his degenerate friend, Seth Dunn, apparently...
Have you ever been accused of doing something you didn’t do? I have. There is everything frustrating about it. To be innocent and forced to vindicate yourself of false charges can be tiresome at...
Pulpit & Pen blog (hereafter referred to as P&P) is a big player in the “discernment” community, and has become synonymous with polemics (their favorite phrase). With a penchant for exposing error, it...
Al Mohler (Albert Mohler) has long been touted as a bastion of truth and conservatism within the evangelical community. As longtime member of the SBC and president of the respected Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,...
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