Statement of Faith


We hold to the God of Israel as the One true God;
a Triune God in three persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He alone is to be worshiped as prescribed in Scripture.

  • We believe that Jesus, as revealed in Scripture, IS the Only begotten Son of God and the “brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.” (Hebrews 1:3) Jesus the Christ IS God, being one with His Father (John 10:30), and is King of kings and Lord of lords. (Revelation 19:16)
  • We believe in the doctrinal infallibility of the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments in the original languages and in the historicity of these Scriptures.
  • We believe in the complete Bible constituting the supreme authority for our faith and ministry. We accept the Bible as the only basis of true doctrine.
  • We believe in salvation through the New Birth experience by repentance and faith in Jesus ALONE as the only provision for man’s sin. We hold that Jesus took our sin and gave us His righteousness and we must personally accept Him and remain faithful to Him on the basis of Scripture. Those rejecting Jesus will face eternal perdition.
  • We believe that man is fallen and so is creation. It is impossible for man to justify himself before a perfect God.
  • We hold to a pre-millennial return of Christ at which time He will establish His millennial Kingdom on earth.
  • We accept that Gentiles who truly accept Jesus replace Jews who reject Him; however, these are incorporated into Israel in a spiritual sense (on the basis of Romans 11), rather than the church replacing Israel – a teaching which we hold to be error.
  • We believe God’s prophetic plan for the salvation of the world is bound up with His prophetic plan for the regathering and salvation of Israel.
  • We believe the gifts of the Spirit, including charismatic gifts, continue to operate in the church. However, we reject any form of charismatic or Pentecostal extremism, and reject totally any form of tradition-based or experiential theology.
  • We hold to believer’s baptism.
  • We yearn for the unity of the Spirit, such unity seen as with other Bible-based evangelical Christians, churches, and ministries – even where we may not share all the same nonessential doctrines.
  • However, we reject – as a false unity – ecumenism or unity in any form with non-evangelical versions of Christianity, having a different doctrine of salvation and a basis of doctrinal authority other than the Bible.